HPK: Farmers call for urgent reforms before crisis does more damage

 Farmers expect the new government to continue agricultural reforms so that the economic situation caused by the coronavirus outbreak does not spill over to new sectors in the autumn and further endanger agricultural production, particularly the sowing season, the Croatian Chamber of Agriculture said on Tuesday.
 Vlado Kos / CROPIX

"Farmers expect the new government to be formed as soon as possible so that the grave economic situation caused by the coronavirus crisis does not spill over to other sectors in the autumn and further threaten agricultural production, particularly the autumn sowing season, which is essential should the coronacrisis continue," HPK said.

The coronavirus crisis, HPK said, highlighted all the weaknesses and insufficiency of the national economy which is why it would be good to immediately form the government and parliament and hold a thematic meeting to discuss the issue of self-sufficiency and a strong turnabout in implementing urgent reforms.

HPK warned that the value of agricultural products is stagnating, imports and the trade imbalance is increasing and Croatia is faced with new reforms with the Common Agriculture Policy, which put new demands before farmers through the Biodiversity Strategy the 'From Field to Table' Strategy, which will make farm work, income security and the survival of rural areas even more difficult.

HPK believes that good communication will continue with the Agriculture Ministry. It believes that there is room for it to be improved and for HPK to receive information even faster. HPK expects administration obstacles to be reduced even further as they complicate agricultural operations.

HPK believes that it is of the utmost importance to adopt a Croatian agriculture strategy and believes that its recommendations will be adopted through public consultation.

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23. travanj 2024 22:08