Branch collective agreement for science and higher education signed

Science and Education Minister Blazenka Divjak and leaders of the Science and Higher Education Employees' Union signed a branch collective agreement on Thursday.
Blaženka Divjak
 Goran Mehkek / CROPIX

"This branch collective agreement represents a quantum leap in standardising work in higher education and science," Divjak said at the signing ceremony.

She said that the agreement ensured prerequisites for better inclusion of Croatian scientists and researchers in international competition, as well as effective regulation of rights and flexibility towards the science and higher education system.

Divjak said she would continue working with the unions on improving the agreement. She recalled that the previous branch collective agreement had been cancelled five years ago and that in the meantime the science and higher education sector had not been covered by a collective agreement.

The agreement was negotiated for 16 months.

The head of the union's team of negotiators, Vilim Ribic, said that Divjak had done her part of the job "conscientiously, responsibly and professionally."

He said that the new branch collective agreement was not spectacular because the government was "stingy with substantive rights", but it was very important in terms of rights, procedure and regulation of relations.

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02. svibanj 2024 00:05