Bozinovic: Coronavirus measures most likely to be extended

The head of the national civil protection authority, Davor Bozinovic, said on Wednesday that the measures to contain the spread of the coronavirus epidemic were likely to be extended as of Sunday, when they will have been in place for a month.
The head of the national civil protection authority, Davor Bozinovic
 Igor Kralj / PIXSELL

"The initial measures expire on Sunday and they are most likely to be extended in compliance with recommendations from epidemiologists. They say that there should be a decline in the number of infections for five to seven days in a row before the measures are relaxed," Bozinovic told the commercial RTL television channel.

Bozinovic said that protection of people's lives and health was a priority and that the authorities would consider which measures could be relaxed and when.

He said that the Croatian health system was not under such strain as was the case in other European countries and that certain measures could be eased in the foreseeable future. He, however, warned that a relaxation of measures might lead to an increase in the number of cases.

Bozinovic reiterated that a decision on relaxing the restrictions depended on the epidemiological situation, stressing the importance of saving lives and following guidelines from professionals and the World Health Organisation.

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23. veljača 2025 15:50