Capak: Foreign tourists may come only under special conditions

The head of the Croatian Institute of Public Health, Krunoslav Capak, said on Thursday that special measures would be put in place for hotels and tourists for this year's tourist season in light of the coronavirus pandemic. 
Krunoslav Capak
 Davor Pongračić / CROPIX

"If the situation in other countries changes, then foreign tourists may be allowed to come, but under special conditions," he told a regular press briefing on the coronavirus situation in Croatia.

He commented on proposals by Czech travel agencies that special air and road corridors be opened for healthy tourists.

"A clean bill of health can be valid only for a short while. The situation can change already within 24 hours and such certificates are not valid epidemiologically," Capak said, adding that tourists arriving in Croatia would first have to go into 14-day isolation.

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23. veljača 2025 19:15