Agreement signed for construction of intermodal terminal in Rijeka

The HRK 159.5 million agreement for a project called "Reconstruction of the freight section of the Rijeka Railway Station and construction of an intermodal terminal at the Zagreb Deep Sea container terminal" was signed in the northern Adriatic city of Rijeka on Thursday.
Croatia is planning big investments in railway infrastucture
 Ivan Brkic / Glas Podravine / CROPIX

The agreement was signed by the chief executives of the Rijeka Port Authority, the HZ Infrastructure railway company and the Slovenian company Zeleznisko Gradbeno Podjetje Ljubljana in the presence of the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure, Oleg Butkovic.

The aim of the project is to modernise the Rijeka Railway Station and build an intermodal terminal at the newly-built Zagreb Deep Sea container terminal, which is expected to improve the position of Rijeka as an important port on the Mediterranean trans-European transport corridor.

This is one of seven projects being implemented in the Port of Rijeka with funding from the Connecting Europe Facility.

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04. svibanj 2024 10:09