Aladrovic: We have consensus on job-retention measures for May, June

Labour Minister Josip Aladrovic said on Tuesday, after a meeting of the Economic and Social Council, that there was a consensus of all sides on job retention measures for May and June.
Labour Minister Josip Aladrovic
 Zeljko Puhovski / CROPIX

"The most important thing is that we talked about measures for May and June, and we opened a window for later talks on job retention on the model of shorter working hours. It's very important to us that we have a consensus on the support for May and June," Aladrovic told reporters.

He said a high degree of compromise was reached at the meeting. "With regard to targeted aid, we tied it to four sectors and over 50% in revenue drop. We are talking about four very exposed sectors. We consider them the four most critical sectors."

Aladrovic said other sectors' problems would be dealt with through different models.

The measure involving tax and contribution write-offs is in force until June 20 and he said it would be discussed in the days ahead.

He said the contribution write-off would apply to those four sectors which met the criteria for June.

Aladrovic said all sides were in agreement on the Croatian Employment Service introducing a criterion for to medium and big companies to follow decreases in revenue of over 20% to use as proof for applying for government aid.

"We'll ban the payment of dividends and profits for all medium and big companies until the end of 2021 because we believe that it's not opportune not to use retained profit and profit from previous years, yet expect state aid," Aladrovic said.

If employers decide to pay out profits, they are not entitled to the measures for May, he added.

Unions support measures for May and June

The president of the SSSH union federation, Mladen Novosel, said they supported the job retention measures for May and June.

Employers and unionists are agreed that the transport sector should be additionally helped, and that a measure must be found for June to help employers and companies that are not in the four affected sectors, he said.

There are discussions aimed at reaching an urgent agreement on a bill on shorter working hours, he said. "One can no longer act horizontally, action must be targeted. It's better to help workers by shortening working hours so that they can continue to work, instead of there being layoffs. I hope... we will finally embark on a better dialogue."

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08. svibanj 2024 08:08