Croatia requests Israel's official statement on fighter jets, willing to cancel purchase

The Defence Ministry on Thursday asked Israel to officially notify it by January 11 if it could deliver the fighter jets Croatia chose transparently in an international tender, saying that if Israel could not, Croatia would cancel its decision on the choice of multipurpose fighter jets.
 Boris Kovacev / CROPIX

The ministry reiterated in a press release that Israel had the obligation to obtain the US administration's approval for the delivery of the jets to Croatia in the appropriate configuration. "When the State of Israel officially notifies us regarding the matter, we will inform the Croatian public in a timely fashion."

If Croatia cannot buy the aircraft it chose because of disagreements that have come up between Israel and the US, the Croatian government will cancel the decision of 29 March 2018 on the choice of multipurpose fighter jets.

Croatia ran this very complex project systematically, professionally and transparently, guided only by national interests, the ministry said.

Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandrokovic too confirmed that a new tender for the aircraft would be advertised in case Israel, due to US objections, was not able to deliver the F-16 Barak aircraft it offered Croatia.

"If the planes don't correspond to what we agreed, the deal won't be realised and a new tender will be advertised," he told reporters. "Either the planes will be those that were negotiated or there will be a new tender."

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01. svibanj 2024 14:12