FinMin issues HRK 200m worth of treasury bills

The Croatian Ministry of Finance sold HRK 200 million worth of treasury bills at an auction on Tuesday, considerably less than planned, but still at a low interest rate of 0.06%.
Minister of Finance Zdravko Maric
 Marko Todorov / CROPIX

In advance of the maturity of treasury bills worth HRK 690 million, the Ministry offered HRK 500 million worth of treasury bills for subscription, with a maturity of one year. Financial institutions submitted bids worth a total of HRK 200 million and they were all accepted.

The Ministry thus issued HRK 200 million worth of kuna-denominated treasury bills with a maturity of one year and at a interest rate of 0.06%, the same as at previous auctions.

With the HRK 690 million in treasury bills due, the balance of subscribed kuna treasury bills will be reduced by HRK 490 million to HRK 17.4 billion.

The next auction is scheduled for April 30 when €1 billion worth of treasury bills will be offered with a maturity of one year, in advance of the maturity of treasury bills worth €1.5 billion.

(€1 = HRK 7.5596)

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08. svibanj 2024 08:24