
Former head of Conflict of Interest Commission Orešković to test her political strength in EP elections

Former head of the Conflict of Interest Prevention Commission Dalija Orešković said in an interview with Jutarnji list after announcing her plans to form a new political party that she is talking with Sabor deputies Bojan Glavašević and Marko Vučetić about forming a movement "that would have the potential of gathering all progressive forces" and added that she is thinking about testing her political strength and ideas in May next year at EP elections.
Dalija Orešković
 Darko Tomas / HANZA MEDIA

Despite harsh criticism of President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, Orešković claims that she is not interested in the function. She commented on speculations that presidential elections might be an easier path to winning elections and gaining political power compared to running at parliamentary elections.

Cooperation with parties

- I am not looking for shortcuts and am not taking the path of least resistance, and it is a question whether the path to Pantovčak is really as easy as it appears due to the President's obvious flaws. Certain actions and shortcomings of Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović that seriously tarnish the dignity and importance of the position she holds provide ammunition for harsher criticism. There are no counterarguments against such criticism. If there is something important the President could brag about, she can explain it herself or let her supporters explain it. The whole thing looks to me like The Emperor's New Clothes, but it is quite clear that I am not the only one saying the emperor has no clothes on, or empress in this case. When the time is right, the right candidate will appear with a program that will restore true purpose of the role of the President, even within the framework of existing constitutional authority - claims Dalija Orešković.

She does not dismiss cooperation with other parties of the center or the center-left - the Social Democratic Party (SDP), the Peasants' Party (HSS), the GLAS… - but warns that it is not appropriate to think about cooperation or coalitions with any parties before the public and political parties are informed about values and program of her party: "The aim is to create a new option that has a vision and the power to implement wanted changes, rather than, at least judging by the current state of affairs, a strange and somewhat recycled coalition."

On the other hand, Orešković resolutely dismisses possibility of any form of cooperation with the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ), the People's Party (HNS) or Mayor of Zagreb Milan Bandić's party.

Former SDP member, now an independent MP, Bojan Glavašević is cooperating with her on the new political project. Glavašević will surely be active in the work of this new political platform and it remains to be seen whether he will formally join the new party.

- Our platform presents a progressive option, which is needed on the political scene in Croatia. We are not planning to hold onto ideologies blindly, but it is important to have clearly defined social, political and economic values one stands up for, and we will do that. Our project presents a new chapter in politics in Croatia. Citizens no longer trust existing political parties as they feel like they are not protecting their interests - said Glavašević for Jutarnji.

As for cooperation of the new political option with existing parties of the center and center-left, Glavašević said: "It is still too early to talk about that even though there are people I respect in center-left parties."

Unnamed sources from the SDP revealed that the strongest party of the opposition sees many common values that could present the foundation for future cooperation with Dalija Orešković's party.

- It is very difficult to predict what her political future will look like as it is not easy to form a new party. At any rate, the SDP is in principle prepared to cooperate with Orešković and her party - noted the source.

Good impression

HSS president Krešo Beljak said Dalija Orešković's public appearances thus far have been excellent.

-Her capacity is obvious, but it remains to be seen how she will swim in political waters because politics is a craft that takes time to perfect. First impressions are excellent and I would like to cooperate with Orešković and her new party. My position is clear: if we want to win against the HDZ, opposition parties have to unite into one or two blocs - he said.

GLAS president Anka Mrak Taritaš welcomed Dalija Orešković's decision to enter politics.

- I absolutely support her decision. Orešković gained a lot of experience heading the Conflict of Interest Prevention Commission as well as insight into functioning of political parties and a good view of the political scene in Croatia. We at GLAS believe there will be opportunities for political cooperation with her new party - said GLAS head.

Similar worldviews

Former SDP member Mirando Mrsić welcomed the announcement of the new party. He founded another center-left party several days ago - the Democrats.

- Cooperation with Dalija Orešković's party is possible because, from what I have heard, the party will be close to the Democrats on the political spectrum - said Mrsić. He noted that all parties of the left and center-left should join forces and form a joint program to run at next elections "so that Croatia can defend from Orbánization."

Marijana Puljak, president of Pametno, said that she is happy Orešković realized our society can change in the long term only through political action."

-We have been calling on all good and quality people to become active in politics as it currently defines all regulations and rules in the society, and politicians thus far brought Croatia to the bottom of the EU - said Puljak. She added that she talked several times with Orešković and noted she is happy to see they share views of the society and human values.

-We will see whether we agree on other issues such as education, healthcare, economy and other, when her group comes forward with a program. We should join forces and we are always in favor of cooperation with all options and individuals who share our views and want to put an end to failed and corruptive policies which put our country in the position where entire cities are emigrating. Pametno takes politics very seriously - said Puljak.

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02. svibanj 2024 15:38