Plenkovic: It wasn't close contact, I'm not interested in what quack doctors think

Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said on Tuesday that he had spent about three minutes with Serbian tennis player Novak Djokovic in Zadar at the weekend and that this by definition does not qualify as close contact.
PM Andrej Plenkovic with positive tested tennis player Novak Djokovic on Adria Tour

Djokovic announced earlier in the day that after returning from the Adria Tour tennis tournament to Belgrade he did a test for coronavirus and it was positive.

Speaking to reporters in Zapresic, just west of Zagreb, Plenkovic said that he was not worried about the news of Djokovic being infected with COVID-19 because their encounter was brief, lasting "possibly three minutes in all."

He added that he had touched Djokovic on the shoulder but that as far as he recalled they did not touch each other with their fists.

Responding to a reporter's remark that previously people had ended up in self-isolation for such behaviour, the prime minister said that his contact with Djokovic was not such as to enable transmission of the disease.

"Was it close contact of 15 minutes?" he asked and added: "I would like you to show me a person, other than a health worker, who have sanitised themselves more than I have in the last four months."

Plenkovic said that he had got tested on Monday for the third time and was negative. He called politicians who criticised him for not going into self-isolation "quack doctors" and said that their opinions did not interest him.

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17. svibanj 2024 13:57